Too Much Advice

Too Much Advice

There is a dizzying amount of advice these days on what to eat. Published studies say broccoli fights cancer and fiber helps to control your appetite. Your doctor says cut down on fat. Your neighbor credits zinc for maintaining his sex drive. It's all enough to make an otherwise sane person seek comfort from a bag of potato chips or a triple-decker cheeseburger. To help clarify matters, Men's Fitness offers a nutritional strategy based on three goals:

1. Boost your energy. Eat beans for protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and important vitamins and minerals. For the functioning of your metabolism, nerves, and muscles, get magnesium from whole grains, green veggies, and bananas. Increase your stamina with wheat germ. Hydrate yourself daily with eight 12-ounce glasses of water to keep your system functioning efficiently.

2. Reduce fat. Choose lean meats flavored with low-fat ingredients such as chilis and tomatoes. Eat potatoes which are rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and carbohydrates. For dessert, choose low-fat yogurt and low-fat toppings.

3. Live longer. Eat one or two seafood dishes every week (heart-friendly). Guard against cancer with beta-carotene (yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, broccoli, and spinach). Snack on nuts (high in fat—but the unsaturated kind).

I strongly recommend my partner Dr. Steve Schnurs' book, "The Reality Diet".