Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness - CIMT
Heart disease is the number one killer of American men and women. According to the American Heart Association 50% of men and 67% of women who die of heart disease experienced no prior symptoms, before their heart attack or stroke. In other words, their first symptom was a heart attack or stroke.
Additionally, medical bills are the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in the US. An astounding 67% of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills. Why take chances with you health or the welfare of your family.
CIMT is a safe painless, FDA-approved test that can quickly screen for and monitor atherosclerosis the underlying cause of heart attack and stroke. CIMT provides a direct measurement of vascular disease, even in its earliest stages before it causes symptoms or block blood flow.
How Does CIMT Work?
The test is a simple, noninvasive, 15-20 minute outpatient procedure that involves no injections, no pills, and exposes you to no radiation. The test uses sophisticated ultrasound equipment and requires expert interpretation, so it's not widely available. The technology was developed in conjunction with NASA, based on the same science used to measure water on Mars.
As physicians we currently treat patients based on ATPIII criteria which are guidelines based on population trials, which have shown to be effective in those populations but not in you, the individual.
Many patients have other risk factors which are not taken into account by the current ATP III criteria and may fall through the cracks and not be treated at all.
Other patients may be treated according to the guidelines, but continue to have have progression of their cholesterol build up.
CIMT allows us to treat you the individual, as well as follow your treatment over time to monitor your progress, as well as to evaluate the need to modify your particular treatment regimen.
One special feature of the CIMT is a report you will receive that compares your CIMT results with others of your age and gender, comparing your risk for heart attack or coronary death.
Early Detection Can Lead to Early Intervention
Who Should Have an CIMT Test?
The CIMT test is most appropriate for individuals who are at risk for heart disease based on traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Such individuals are typically over 40 years of age and have one or more of the following risk factors:
Family history of heart disease/stroke
Tobacco user
Overweight patients
Those who are Physical inactivity
Women in Menopausal
High fat diet
Pts with High blood pressure
Pts with High LDL or "bad" cholesterol
Pts with Low HDL or "good" cholesterol
Pts with Elevated triglycerides
Pts with the Metabolic syndrome
Pts who are Steroid users
Medicare and most private insurance do not routinely pay for CIMT testing. Yet, CIMT is a safe, FDA-approved test that is recognized as a valid means for detecting subclinical vascular disease to assess risk for heart disease.
At the our offices, we offer CIMT testing and interpretation at the reasonable cost.
Request an CIMT appointment by calling or requesting it from your physician or healthcare provider.